
A compost pile.


  1. Hi Keir. This is my first attempt at blogging or replying to a blog. I don’t know the lingo!!
    Anyway, you are way ahead of your grandma as I never remember her trying to make cheese. I would be interested in knowing how the blue cheese turns out. Who would think that you could make it at home. I wonder how long you have to age it for?
    Good luck.

  2. Hi Keira, Your grandparents are smiling , as I am!! The basic theories of these wonderful projects were known to our forefathers and mothers but now they have some new twists and are incredible eye-openers for this consumer driven society.
    Creating in community is a new angle of coutse, because the pioneers were essentially alone except for the quilting bees and the barn raisings!!
    Hurrah for your blog–It’s wonderfully interesting and inspiring! Love, Your Mom

  3. Can I just say that this may be my finest moment of web strategy ever (months after I quit my job no less!) My mom and my auntie both commented!

    Thank-you both. You’re major inspiration in this endeavour but that’s a blog post in itself.

    love you, Keira

  4. Well, Keir. I’m not sure how all this technology works. Your mom had to email me and tell me to check your blog! If you blog, do you still check your email? Clue me in. I think that Jill has given up on me as she provides tech support all day at work.To continue after hrs with her mother is too much like work. If you were here, you could do like the pioneers did and make candy for your kids by boiling down maple syrup and then spreading it over snow to harden. Yummy.

  5. I still check my email and if you want you can subscribe to this blog by email. On the right hand side of the main page of this blog it says “subscribe by email”. If you click on that, you’ll get an email anytime I post.

    We go through pots of maple syrup in this house. In the absence of a steady supply of snow we do another old-timey dessert I remember my dad eating: whole wheat toast dipped in a bowl of syrup. Yum

  6. Well Keira, your blog looks quite interesting! My mother is totally right – I have given up on her regarding her internet use. Anyone who loses the “file” button in Word requires special help!

    Anyways, I’m going to subscribe to this as I’m sure it will provide some interesting discourse!

    Good luck! 🙂

  7. Keira this blog is great. Thank you for the nice write up about our mulch workshop – what a great day it was!

    You’ve been a tremendous colleague and I hope we can continue working together even despite the Georgia Straight Divide!

    You gotta show me how to blog! Yours is so inspirational!

    All the best Keira


  8. Jill- so glad you dropped by and don’t give up on your mom- she figured out how to comment on a blog! That’s awesome in my books.

    Dan- So glad we’ve got another learning party in the works so quickly. One of the things that most appeals to me about blogging this stuff is that my teachers are scattered throughout BC. So if you want to blog, let’s find a way to make that happen. I think it will only make the times we get together to learn more fun.

    I’ve heard the Georgia Straight between Van and Vic referred to as the “tweed curtain”. Jolly good eh? Tea at the Empress and all that?!

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